Most of the questions people ask me are about where to get this or that part. A Cadillac or Mustang owner has much less trouble, for there are plenty of catalogues, retailers, advertisements etc.
When you get into Chrysler’s non-muscle cars, it’s a different story. Running down a piece of body molding  for a ’58 Imperial, or a pair of 300E carburetors, becomes a challenge that can soon dissuade the restorer from pressing on. In the course of several years I have surmounted many of the obstacles that confront beginners, and have assembled a list of useful addresses. It’s not infallible but has proved its worth repeatedly, for example in finding part of the intake manifold of a 300C, or a lock handle for the top of a ’57 Imperial convertible.

As for American suppliers, professional and otherwise, a selected list follows below.
- Try to give the Chrysler reference number for the part (it’s in the Parts Manual) unless what you want is something obvious like an oil filter.
- Include a full description of your car – brand, year, model, brake type (power or not), kind of engine, and so on.
- Be patient waiting for their response.

Some will notice that I don’t mention two personages widely known in the world of MoPar, one of them in Ohio (M… M.. P…). the other, chief guru of the Imperial, in Arizona. According to discussions in the mailing-list comment columns, better stay away from them. It’s their fellow-Americans who say so!

General Exhaust Upholstery (renew) Rear view mirrors
Salvage yards suspension (rear) Upholstery (material) Hubcaps
Hemi engine Steering Medallions Radio
Performance parts Tires Tail light lenses Publications
Transmissions Weatherstrip, seal Windshield, windows (glasses) Adhesives
Convertible parts Air conditioning    

Suppliers in green type have responded satisfactorily to orders placed by me.

"GENERALISTS" dealing in all sorts of parts in wide demand

- KANTER, 76 MOnroe Street, Boonton, NJ 07005. Phone 973 334 9575. Fax: 973 334 5423. www.kanter.com
Everything for brakes, suspension, engine, transmission, etc... Catalogue.
- Andy BERNBAUM, 315 Franklin street, Newton ,MA 02158. Phone: 617 244 1118. Fax: 617 244 1164. Spécialiste Mopar. www.oldmoparts.com.. Catalogue ($ 3).
- - ROCKAUTO :  Parts for American & Import Autos Built Since 1945 , online catalog ! http://www.rockauto.com
- PRO ANTIQUE AUTO PARTS, Dept D, 50 King Spring road, Windsor Locks, CT 06096. Phone: 860 623 8275. Catalogue ($ 3).
- ROBERTS Motor Parts, Dept CC, 17 Prospect St, West Newbury, MA 01985. Phone 978 363 5407. www.robertsmotorparts.com


58 in the salvage yard of Bob Hoffmeister- ATLAS Motor Parts, 10621 Bloomfield St, # 32, Los Alamitos, CA 90720. Phone: 562 594 5560. Fax: 562 936 1398. e-mail: atlaschrys@aol.com
- Mike Hershenfeld, po box 1301, Bellmore NY 11710. Phone/fax: 516 781 7278. www.mikesmopar.com
- Bob Hoffmeister, Bob Hoffmeister, Box 23, RT2, St Edward, NE 68660. Fax 402 678 2512. Imperial salvage, member of the IML. http://ingraham.esu3.k12.ne.us/junkyard.html
- Lowell Howe (California) fax 209 892 3464
- Imperial Motors
, 2165 Spencer Creek road, Campobello, SC 29322. Phone: 864 895 3474. Fax 864 895 1248. www.chryslerparts.com
- Moore's auto salvage.Phone: 605 348 4926. Fax 605 348 0499 (SD)
- Wayne Maddox, 7191 BeachStreet, Westminster, Colarado 80030-5628.Membre de l'IML. Fax: 303 288 7866. E-mail: imperial68@aol.com
- Fremans Auto, 138 Kountz road, Whitehall, MT 59759. fax 406 287 9103.
- Murray Park, 4369 S Twp Rd 151, Tiffin, OH 44883. Phone: 419 448 0293. Fax: 419 443 1082
- R & R Salvage, RT2 box 196G, Verona, MO 65769. Fax 417 678 6403.
- Desert Valley, 22500 N 21 st Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85027. Fax 602 582 9141. E-mail: www.dvap.com
- Valley Vintage Auto parts, PO box 486, Brunswick, OH 44212. Phone: 440 355 4085. Fax: 440 355 5990. www.infinet.com/~valvin/
- CTC's Auto Ranch Inc, 3077 Memory Ln, Sanger, TX 76266-7329. Phone: 800 482 6199. www.ctcautoranch.com.

HEMI ENGINES  (See also under Salvage!

-  CHRYSLER 300 Int.Club (George Riehl), 4900 Jonesville Rd, Jonesville, MI 49250. Phone: 517 849 2783. fax: 517 849 7445.
- Hot Heads / Power Play, Hot Heads Research & Racing, Inc. 276 Walker's Hollow Trail Lowgap, NC 27024. (original and remanufactured parts) Phone: (336) 352-4866 Fax: (336) 352-3892. www.HotHemiHeads.com
- PAW, 21001 Nordhoff st, Chastworth CA 91311. Phone: 818 678 3000. Fax: 818 678 3001. Early Hemi Catalogue ($ 5), lot of good stuff... www.pawengineparts.com
- Damper doctor: http://members.aol.com/damperdoc/ engine dampers  and axle driveshaft support.



This may not be the place to say so, but ask both these firms for their catalogues of big-block (383-413 cu. in.) engines – they’re well known among muscle-car fans:

- SUMMIT, PO box 909, Akron, OH 44309-0909. Phone: 330 630 3030. Fax: 330 630 5333. www.summitracing.com. Catalogue subscription (6 issues a year: $ 22).
- PAW,
see "hemi engine"


AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS (Torqueflite / Powerflite). Check the Salvage people too for hard-to-find parts

The generalist sources are good (beware of "made in China" parts ...), but see also:

- CHRYSLER 300 Int. Club (George Riehl), 4900 Jonesville Rd, Jonesville, MI 49250. Phone: 517 849 2783. fax: 517 849 7445.
- FATSCO , PO Box 635, Pine Brook, NJ 07058. Phone: 1 800 524 0485, fax 973 227 5414. http://www.fatsco.com/index.htm
- Northwest Transmission. 13500 US route, Route 62, Winchester, OH 45697. Phone: 800 327 1955
- Be happy Auto parts, 414 Stivers Rd, Hillsboro, OH 45133. Phone/fax: 937 442 6133.
- Damper doctor (engine/trans./axle mounts)



The "generalists," and also:

- Waldron's Exhaust PO Box C, Nottawa, MI 49075 phone: 616-467-7185; 800-503-9428; FAX: 616-467-9041
- Classic Exhaust, 805 Pro-Gram Parkway, Geneva, OH 44041. Phone: (440) 466-5460, fax 440-466-8997
- King & Queen Mufflers, Box 423, Plumsteadville, PA 18949, PH/FAX: 215-766-8699.

        Note that these exhaust systems may need extensive work..


- KANTER, 76 MOnroe Street, Boonton, NJ 07005. Phone 973 334 9575. Fax: 973 334 5423. www.kanter.com Everything for brakes, suspension, engine, transmission, etc... Catalogue.
- P.S.T (Performance Suspension Technology): polyurethane parts (bushings), center links, sway bars, KYB shocks, etc.. PO Box 396, Montville, NJ 07045. Phone: 800 247 2288. Fax: 973 299 6377. http://www.p-s-t.com/
- SPRING'n THINGS: 701 Pine Tree Road Danville PA 17821. Phone: 800 903 9019 / fax: 570 672 0368. Leaf springs, bushings, shackles, ball joints, motor mounts, brake and speedo cables etc.. http://www.espo.com/
- Dual reservoir Conversion kit / Power booster:

REAR SUSPENSION (springs). see also "front suspension"

The general suppliers and these too

- EATON Detroit Spring, 1555 Michigan Av. , Detroit, Mi 48216. Phone: 313 963 3839. www.eatonsprings.com


- Lares manufacturing. Phone: 800 888 3822. www.larescorp.com

TIRES (bias & radial)

383 CI 1959 2 x 4 bbl (Adventurer)- COKER Tires, 1317 Chestnut Street, Chatt. TN 37402. Phone: 423 265 6368. Fax: 423 756 5607. www.coker.com
- LUCAS Automotive, 2141 West Main, Springfield, OH 45504. Phone: 937 324 1773. Fax: 937 325 1900.
- Universal, 2994 Elizabethtown Road, Hershey, PA 17033. Phone: 717 534 0715. Fax: 717 534 0719.

WEATHERSTRIP & SEALS (doors, windows misc.)

- Andy BERNBAUM, 315 Franklin street, Newton ,MA 02158. Phone: 617 244 1118. Fax: 617 244 1164. Spécialiste Mopar. www.oldmoparts.com.. Catalog ($ 3).
- GARY GOERS, 37 Amdahl Lane, Kalispell, MT 59901. Phone/fax: 406 752 6249. www.garygoers.com . Catalog: $ 4.00

UPHOLSTERY (custom reproduction)

-  CHRYSLER 300 Int. Club (George Riehl), 4900 Jonesville Rd, Jonesville, MI 49250. Phone: 517 849 2783. fax: 517 849 7445.. For Chrysler 300 F and H. Membership required.
- GARY GOERS, 37 Amdahl Lane, Kalispell, MT 59901. Phone/fax: 406 752 6249. www.garygoers.com . Catalog : $ 4.00
- Legendary Auto Interiors, 121 West Shore Blvd, Newark, NY 14513. Phone: 800 363 8804

UPHOLSTERY (fabric - vinyl – leather - N.O.S)

- Original Auto Interiors, 7869 Trumble Rd, Columbus, MI 48063-3915. Phone: 810 727 2486. Fax: 810 727 4344. Catalog $ 2.00
- SMS Auto fabrics, 2325 SE 10th Ave Portland, OR 97214, (503) 234-1175 . Fax: (503) 234-0651.


-  CHRYSLER 300 Int. Club (George Riehl), 4900 Jonesville Rd, Jonesville, MI 49250. Phone: 517 849 2783. fax: 517 849 7445. Only for certain Chrysler 300 models. Membership required.
- EMBLEMAGIC, PO Box 420, Grand River, OH 44045-0420. . Reproduction by craftsmen.  Phone: 440 209 0792. E-mail: arborhil@aol.com . catalogue.

LENSES for tail lights

:The salvage dealers, but also:

- R.C. Wynne 15264 Clayton Road, Ballwin, MO 63011. RLWynne623@aol.com Reproduction of Chrysler and Imperial lenses
- OLD CAR LENS: http://www.oldcarlens.com/ Chrysler / Dodge / Imperial lenses (repro)
- GEORGE LAURIE (Australia). reproduction of '50s and '60s Mopar lenses (better than NOS)
georgelaurie@bigpond.com See the list: click !

WINDSHIELDS and windows

The salvage dealers, but also:

- Timo Tanskanen, 5885 Jurupa Ave., suite G, Riverside, CA 92504. Phone: 909 687 6579. Fax: 909 687 5963. These are not poor South American imitations !

EXTERNAL REAR-VIEW MIRRORS - twin or triple struts

The salvage dealers, but also:

- Jay Fisher, Acken Dr. , 4-B, Clark, NJ 07066. Phone: 732 388 6442.   As good-looking as they are expensive!


The salvage dealers, but also:

- Hubcap Mike, 26242 Dimension Dr, STE 150, Lake Forest, CA 92630. Phone: 949 597 8120. Fax: 949 597 8123
- ?. 


There are dozens of addresses. Here I have chosen two that have their own web pages and who also do AM FM Laser conversions etc.

- Classic Car Radio, 2718 Koper Drive, Sterling Ht's, MI 48310-5240. Phone: 810 977 7979. fax: 810 977 0895. www.classicarradio.com catalogue.
-Sound move, PO box 10, Bristol, IN 46507-0010. Phone: 219 294 5100. Fax: 219 293 4902. www.soundmove.com

BOOKS (shop manual, promotional, etc..)

- KEN Mc GEE, 36 Newgate st, Goderich, Ontario N7A 1P1 (canada). Phone: 519 524 5821. Fax: 519 524 9679. http://www.kenmcgeeautobooks.com/
- Walter Miller, 6710 Brooklawn Pkwy, Syracuse, NY 13211. Phone: 315 432 8282. Fax: 315 432 8256. www.autolit.com
- Motorbooks, PO box 1 / HMO49, Osceola WI 54020-0001. Phone: 715 294 3345. Fax: 715 294 4448. www.motorbooks.com Catalogue
- Faxon, 3901 Carter Ave., Riverside, CA 92501. Phone: 800 458 2734. Fax: 909 786 4166
- Bob Johnson's literature. 92 Blandin Ave, Framingham, Mass 01702. Phone: 508 872 9173. Fax: 508 626 0991. www.autopaper.com
- Mc Lellan's Automotive, 9111 Longstaff Drive, Houston, TX 77031-2711. Phone: 713 772 3285. Fax: 713 772 3287.

Adhesives (engine, radiator, trunk lid, etc..)

- GARY GOERS, 37 Amdahl Lane, Kalispell, MT 59901. Phone/fax: 406 752 6249. www.garygoers.com . Catalog : $ 4.00
- Jim Osborne, 101 Ridgecrest drive, Lawrenceville, Georgia 30245. Phone: 404 962 7556. Fax: 404 962 5881. http://www.osborn-reproduction.com   catalog: $ 5.00

Convertible parts

- Hydro-e-Lectric 5530 Independence Ct. , Punta Gorda, FL 33982;  phone: 800 343 4261 or 941 639 0437. Fax: 800-643-7135 or 941-639-0376. http://www.hydroe.com/ . Lot of parts and advises..
- Convertible service, 5126 Walnut Grove Ave., San Gabriel, CA 91776. Phone: 800 333 1140. http://www.convertibleparts.com. Catalog: $ 2.50

Air conditioning

- Classic Auto Air Mfg Co, dept OCT, 2020W Kennedy Blvd,  Tampa, FL 33606. ph: 813 251 2356 or 813 251 4994. fax: 813-254-7419.


If you haven’t found here the address you need, friend in distress, search the Internet and try a mailing list.  try also "ebay" . When you learn of other sources for the ‘’55-‘’61s, please let me know at this e-mail address: webmaster AT amerisud.fr

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